by Stephanie Ciardi | Feb 17, 2021
Register for the 2021 Keystone Aetna Medicare Virtual Vendor Showcase! The first part of having a successful OEP and lock-in is to get in front of clients. The second part is understanding how MAPD plans work and how the members can access their benefits. This...
by Stephanie Ciardi | Feb 12, 2021
Join us to learn more about LIS – Extra Help, PA PACE and PACENET programs and the SEP opportunities available to those eligible for these programs. April 27, 2021 at 10:00 AM ET Microsoft Teams Meeting: (Join on your computer or mobile app) Click Here to Join...
by Stephanie Ciardi | Feb 12, 2021
Why UHC? Join us to learn about their competitive MAPD and DSNP product portfolio in Western Pennsylvania. February 25, 2021 at 2:00 PM ET Microsoft Teams Meeting: (Join on your computer or mobile app) Click Here to Join the Meeting Or call in (audio only) +1...