Teamsters Local 667 Retiree Group Medicare Benefits

Teamsters Local 667 Humana Retiree Group Medicare
Advantage Plan Resource and Information Page

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Last Updated: 9/15/2021

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Teamsters Local 667

Medicare-Eligible Teamsters Local 667 Retiree Group Plan 

We are excited to announce that Hancock-Hall Benefits, TLC Insurance Group and the Teamsters Local 667, working with Humana, have developed a New Group Medicare Advantage plan with prescription drug coverage that will be available to all Teamsters Local 667 Medicare-eligible retirees, their spouses, surviving spouses and Medicare-eligible dependents.

The new exclusive Passive Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Group Medicare Advantage plan is rich in benefits and has nationwide coverage. This means you can see any doctor and receive any treatment at facilities that accept traditional Medicare and will bill Humana. In-network and out-of-network benefits are identical.

Call the TLC Retiree Service Center at 1-800-719-3751 for more information and to see how to qualify. 


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