Aetna: Ascend/VBE/RATE Training

How to get access to the online platform/how to use to input leads, send an ESOA, enroll clients both in person and remotely. How to initiate the Value based enrollment HRA and earn a $70 fee. February 24, 2021 at 10:00 AM ET Click Here to Join the Webex Meeting...

Medical Mutual of Ohio: MAOEP & Sales Opportunities

Please join TLC and our partners at Medical Mutual for an overview of the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (MA-OEP). The MA OEP runs from January 1st to March 31st each year, during this time, MA-eligible beneficiaries will be able to change their MA Plan or...

Humana: Electronic Enrollment Options

Review how to facilitate compliant online enrollments including completing an SOA, delivering sales materials electronically, electronic enrollment options, and telephonic signature options. March 3, 2021 at 10:00 AM ET Register Now  ...

Medico: Hospital Indemnity

Do your clients have the comprehensive health coverage they need to protect their finances if they’re hospitalized? Attend this webinar to learn how Medico’s Hospital Indemnity insurance pairs well with Medicare Advantage plans and can help fill out-of-pocket gaps....