Aetna Continuing Education Class – Warren, OH
Aetna Continuing Education Class – Warren, OH
March 8th, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Holiday Inn Express – 135 Highland Terrace Blvd, Warren, OH
Aetna Inc. is pleased to host a continuing education opportunity for you. This continuing education course has been approved by the OH Department of Insurance for 2 approved Health credit hours. To qualify for CE credit for attending this class, you will be required to:
• Provide a copy of your producer license and present a photo ID.
• Sign in with your full name and NPN number and sign out before leaving.
• Refrain from multi-tasking during the class. Complete participation is required and will be monitored.
Additionally, you will be asked to complete a survey after the class. Your survey response is greatly appreciated.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP with your full name and NPN number as soon as possible.